
Urban dental is a dentist & dental clinic template kit. The template is pixel-perfect designed, making sure your final creation is flexible and easily extendable. Also, Urban dental works flawlessly on various screen size devices.

Page templates included

  • Home
  • About
  • Appointment
  • Style guide
  • Single Post
  • 404
  • Offcanvas
  • Optin Popup
  • Contact
  • Services
  • Career
  • Doctors page
  • Doctors detail
  • Blog
  • Header
  • Footer

Elementor Pro Features

  • Header and Footer Builder
  • Theme Styles

Required Plugins

  • Elementor
  • Elementor Pro
  • DethemeKit for Elementor (installed automatically)

How To Install

To use the Template Kit import plugin, follow the steps below

  1. Install the plugin from Plugins > Add New by searching for Template Kit Import.
  2. Once the plugin is activated, go to Tools > Template Kit
  3. Click on Upload Template Kit ZIP File to browse to your zip file and import.
  4. Your Template Kit preview will appear. Click View Installed Kit:
  5. An orange banner will appear if your kit requires additional free plugins. Click Install Requirements for details.
  6. A popup will appear listing the plugins your kit needs to be installed or activated. Click Install Requirements to proceed.
  7. Start importing your templates by clicking the Import Template button on the desired template.
  • Avoid clicking too many at once. Your browser can typically only handle up to 3-4 at a time.
  • Import Global Kit Styles first, followed by any other Global templates for best results.

Inserting Templates

  1. Any templates you import via the WP Admin area will be saved in Elementor Template library
    Open the Elementor Builder, and click on the Envato button
  2. A modal window will appear displaying your installed kits. Click View Installed Kit to view the templates or blocks you want to add
  3. Click Insert Template to insert the block into your page
Widget Ready


High Resolution





Care, Clinic, Doctor, Health, Medical, Medicine, WordPress Theme

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